The story of Aokigahara can arguably scare the hell out of you. Located at the base of Mt. Fugi, this forest is globally infamous as the Suicide Forest of Japan. Every year, a record number of people venture inside the forest to commit suicide behind the foliage and vines of the jungle, so much so that the police has to carry out an annual sweep to remove the bodies. The number of these cases are not revealed. The place has acquire such a notoriety for those killing themselves that police has actually put in the signboards such as “Think about your family” or “Please consult the police before you decide to die” to discourage people against such acts.
Nevertheless, overtime the people have started to believe that the forest is haunted by the ghosts of those who died and this assumption has persisted, perhaps on some factual basis. There is another legend to this belief which is that during a famine in ancient Japan, people took refuge in this forest, but ultimately died of starvation and spirits of those people still roam about. Whatever be the reality behind this, in all aspects, Aokigahara is one of the scariest places on Earth.